KUU Konjac Baby Sponge for Delicate, Sensitive & Eczema Prone Skin

KUU Konjac Sponges
KUU Konjac Baby Sponge for Delicate, Sensitive & Eczema Prone Skin

This KUU Konjac baby sponge is ideal for every new baby and child. The KUU Konjac baby sponge pH balanced, which means it is ideal on delicate baby skin. A new baby has still hasn't all the protection he or she needs yet, and a babys skin can absorb 5 times more chemicals and pollutants than ours, as adults. As the sponge can hold up to 10 times its weight in water, bath time is easy. By filling the sponge and gently squeezing over babys hair will make for a gentle and delicate hair shampoo. If you do choose to still use baby soap/shampoo, then please note, you will need to use far less - again much better for babys delicate skin, and better for the environment.

Key Benefits

  • 100% Natural Sponge
  • Naturally sustainable & environmentally safe
  • Free from colours, additives and preservatives
  • Perfect for children with sensitive skin or eczema
  • No nasty chemicals or toxins for delicate porous baby skin. Gently cleans without damage
  • Naturally pH balanced alkaline which neutralises any acids (oil and dirt) for deep cleansing


  • Rinse before use and then gently massage until the sponge has absorbed the water
  • Use the sponge in circular motions, it can be used alone as it is naturally 8.4 pH balanced or with a small amount of cleanser if you wish
  • Rinse sponge after use (do not wring) and hang to dry
  • The sponge will harden when dry. Re-hydrate in warm water before use again
  • If damaged or worn (lasts 2-3 months of normal daily use) please add to your compost
  • Please only use as directed. If the sponge is causing any irritation please discontinue use