La Paz Ocean Steel Rug

La Paz Ocean Steel Rug
Shop all Modern Rugs


LA PAZ RUGS are the finest leather rugs available on the market today.

Stitched from pieces of cowhide sewn together with a zigzag stitch and backed with a non-slip padded rug backing. often called a cowhide patchwork rug.

A cowhide patchwork rug is a way of injecting some cowhide texture into your interior without having the natural cowhide shape. They are also great when a natural cowhide would not be big enough like under a large dining table or in a large lounge.

Premium Brazilian hide segments Hand Stitched in India


Available Size: 170 x 230 cm, 190 x 280 cm


1 x La Paz Ocean Steel Rug


The rug images are taken in a studio environment, please allow for colour variations depending on your monitor settings and the lighting environment in your home.

New rugs, particularly those that include wool fibres, are susceptible to shedding. With care and treatment, most rugs should stop shedding within 2-3 months.

Sizing is approximate, rug size may vary up to 5%.

We recommend the use of a rug pad to prevent slipping and tripping, as well as to extend the life of your rug.