Lawyers: Roles, Skills and Responsibilities : 3rd Edition

Lise Barry
Lawyers: Roles, Skills and Responsibilities : 3rd Edition

Lawyers: Roles, Skills and Responsibilities : 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780455239163
Publication Date: 21 December 2016

Lawyers: Roles, Skills and Responsibilities combines three texts from the Thomson Reuters catalogue. In addition, students will find discussion questions and exercises to help them revise and for use in tutorial activities. Copies of the current NSW Solicitors' and Barristers' Rules are included in the back of the text as an additional resource.

This publication includes a comprehensive selection from the sixth edition of Gino Dal Pont's text, Lawyers ' Professional Responsibility providing students with a guide to the sources of professional responsibility. This sits alongside selections from the second edition of Bobette Wolski's textbook, Skills, Ethics and Values for Legal Practice that contextualise legal ethics and includes an introduction to essential communication skills. Also included are chapters from the third edition of Ros Macdonald and Deborah Clark-Dickson's work, Clear and Precise Writing Skills for Today's Lawyer.

These extracts are combined to complement the Legal Ethics units taught at Macquarie Law School. Together they provide an overview of the law of professional responsibility as well as practical examples of how good communication can overcome many of the hurdles faced by lawyers in their day to day dealings with clients, the court and third parties.