Whistler Lorikeet Bars Tropical Fruit Treat 100g

Whistler Lorikeet Bars Tropical Fruit Treat 100g
Whistler Lorikeet Bars Tropical Fruit Treat 100g is a scientifically formulated and balanced food treat for birds. It consists of nutrients that are essential for birds to grow and develop healthily. It acts as a boredom buster for your pet birds and regular consumption helps your bird remain happy and fit. Whistler Lorikeet Bars Tropical Fruit Treat 100g consists of all the vitamins and minerals for the birds that are essential for their natural growth. But it should not be replaced with your bird's regular diet. It is a very tasty product that your pet bird will always love and appreciate! It is made up of tropical seeds and fruits and thus it tastes natural and yummy. The key features of Whistler Lorikeet Bars Tropical Fruit Treat 100g include:
  • Consists of delicious tropical seed and fruits.
  • Full of nutrients that are essential for the maintenance of pet birds.
  • Promotes the health of your bird's feathers.
  • Helps to remove boredom in pet birds.
  • Helps to provide all the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for proper growth and development.
  • Available in one size: 100gms.
The Whistler Avian Science premium bird food range has been scientifically formulated for the needs of specific bird breeds; targeting the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a happy and healthy pet or wild bird. Ingredients: Cranberries. Citrus Peel. Currents. Banana. Paw-Paw. Pineapple. Apple. Honey. Binder. Looking for the easiest way to clean and sanitise your cage? Rufus And Coco Happy Hutch And Cage is a professionally formulated broad spectrum disinfectant spray that is quick, easy and safe to use!