Makerspace Sound and Music Projects for All Ages

Isaac W. Glendening
Makerspace Sound and Music Projects for All Ages

Makerspace Sound and Music Projects for All Ages
ISBN: 9781260027075
Publication Date: 11 January 2018

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Dream up and build your own sound and music projects-no experience necessary!
This easy-to-follow guide shows, step-by-step, how to work with sound generation, recording, editing, and distribution tools. Co-written by a professional audio engineer and a dedicated maker-librarian, Makerspace Sound and Music Projects for All Ages gets you started designing, programming, and assembling fun music and audio creations right away. The book features dozens of DIY projects complete with parts lists, start-to-finish instructions, and full-color illustrations that guarantee success. You will explore the latest inexpensive-or free!-audio software for Windows, Apple, iOS, and Android devices.
Work with free and low-cost music apps and programsBuild unique musical instruments from household itemsChoose a microphone that fits your needs and budgetLearn about DAWs and audio recording and editing applicationsStart making sound with littleBits, Scratch, and MakeyMakeyCreate killer drum beats and melodic sequences using micro:BitRecord your music and use cutting-edge analog and digital effectsAdd sound to your robotics, e-textile, 3-D printing, and wearable gadgetsUpload your audio creations to SoundCloud, YouTube, and iTunes