Meiriki Meiriki Strong Brain Plus 60 Capsules 60pcs/box

Meiriki Meiriki Strong Brain Plus  60 Capsules 60pcs/box
Japan's Meili uses the most advanced technology to refine DHA into the world's highest all natural 70% precious and rare smart fish oil. It is extracted from the eye socket fat layer of tuna, a rich and precious fish with a large body in Japan. Due to the significant difference in the DHA contained in different parts, the eye socket of tuna can be extracted the highest. Promote the healthy development of the brain and eyes of fetuses, infants and young children; enhance the learning, memory, and concentration abilities of adolescents; improve the memory of adults and maintain the memory of the elderly, and delay aging; effectively strengthen cardiovascular, joint, and visual health; effectively resist sensitive symptoms. Instructions Adults take 2-3 capsules a day; children take 1-2 capsules a day; pregnant women or breastfeeding women take 2 capsules a day; infants take 1 capsule a day (please cut through the capsule and put fish oil in milk or put the whole fish oil mixed with rice cereal) Please note This product contains fish ingredients, please do not use if you are allergic to fish.