Mere Discipleship - Paperback

SPCK Publishing
Mere Discipleship - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Alister McGrath | ISBN-13: 9780281079940 | Format: Paperback Publisher: SPCK Publishing | Publication Date: 2018-09-20 | Pages: 168 | Product Dimensions: 134 x 214 x 13mm | Weight: 226g |

In exploring Christian discipleship, Alister McGrath encourages us to move beyond a superficial grasp of our faith to discover its depth and riches. He sees discipleship as a process of growth in wisdom, through which we absorb a Christian vision of reality, and allow it to percolate our minds and inform the way in which we think, imagine and act.

Helpfully drawing on the insights of Dorothy L Sayers, C S Lewis, John Stott and J I Packer, whom he finds both astute and illuminating, the author offers counsel on holding on to hope while journeying through darkness, and how to live meaningfully in a world in which things don't always seem to make sense.