Merseyside's Own - Paperback

The History Press Ltd
Merseyside's Own - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Christine Dawe | ISBN-13: 9780752462189 | Format: Paperback Publisher: The History Press Ltd | Publication Date: 2012-02-01 | Pages: 128 | Product Dimensions: 165.1 x 235 x 10mm | Weight: 320g |

Merseyside has been the birthplace or home of literally hundreds of extraordinary men and women over the years. Modern-day noteworthy figures, such as Kim Cattrall, Daniel Craig, Beth Tweddle and Patricia Routledge rub shoulders with the historical great and good, including Sir Thomas Beecham, George Stevenson and Lady Emma Hamilton. Personalities from all eras and walks of life are featured, from politics, art and industry to music and entertainment.

In this book Christine Dawe has penned a fascinating selection of mini-biographies of Merseyside's most famous sons and daughters to make a perfect souvenir for visitors to the area. This is also essential reading for Merseysiders everywhere, and is sure to appeal to those wanting to know more about these people's contributions to the Merseyside we know today.