Michelin Green Guide Great Britain - Paperback

Michelin Editions des Voyages
Michelin Green Guide Great Britain - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Michelin | ISBN-13: 9782067229594 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Michelin Editions des Voyages | Publication Date: 2018-05-01 | Product Dimensions: 120 x 199 x 22mm | Weight: 584g |

Newly updated Green Guide Great Britain invites exploration of an island composed of three distinct national cultures and diverse landscapes--a country long rooted in tradition and history, yet with an evolving 21st century identity. Tour an English garden, take a ramble through the Lake District, or enjoy a delicious pub lunch. Rely on Michelin's driving and walking tours, renowned star-rating system for attractions and activities, respected maps, and recommendations for hotels and restaurants to create a memorable visit.For a selection of the best restaurants and hotels, buy the red MICHELIN Guide Great Britain & Ireland. For driving or planning your trip throughout Great Britain use the Michelin Great Britain & Ireland Map No. 713.