Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Mutiny : Season 2 : Vol 1 [DVD][2014]

Roadshow Entertainment
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Mutiny : Season 2 : Vol 1 [DVD][2014]

Product Specifications

  • Australian Rating: PG
  • Consumer Advice: Mild Violence
  • Format PAL
  • Compatibility: Compatible with all Australian DVD players
  • Disc Format: DVD

Product Description

After 10,000 years of imprisonment, the evil sorceress Rita Repulsa and her loyal minions are freed when astronauts on a routine mission in space accidentally open her dumpster prison on the Moon. Filled with rage, Rita decides to conquer the nearest planet: Earth. But her arch nemesis - the heroic sage Zordon - has been patiently waiting in preparation for this day. With the assistance of his wisecracking robotic sidekick Alpha 5, Zordon recruits a team of five teenagers with attitude - Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini - to receive superpowers beyond their wildest dreams and defend the Earth as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.