MoMA Mondri Vase - Classic

MoMA Mondri Vase - Classic


This striking art piece is more than just a vase. It's actually three vases in one!

The design is inspired by the De Stijl art movement, and references the incredible art style of Piet Mondrian. The minimalism and sharp geometric look will immediately catch the eye of any guest. Choose from the classic primary colours (red, yellow, blue) or opt for the striking neon colours (blue, pink, yellow, lime).

This vase actually has three different openings. It helps to cater to a variety of floral arrangements. There's a long thin vase on one end, a small vase with pretty standard proportions, and a thin, wide vase on the other side. Simply turn the vase to face different ways to suit your needs!

The coloured and clear Perspex will look fabulous on it's own and even better with your favourite bouquet!


  • 3 different shaped vases in one!
  • Turn it to suit the floral arrangement
  • Inspired by Piet Mondrian and the De Stijl art movement
  • Classic primary colours or bright transparent neon


  • Measurements: 24 x 19 x 8 cms
  • Materials: Perspex
  • Choose: Classic or Neon