Most Beautiful Island

Samuel Goldwyn Films
Most Beautiful Island

At a lean eighty minutes, Most Beautiful Island has little extraneous material in it, and Asensio spins a suspenseful web that delivers a truly shocking - and strangely satisfying - revelation. --Tatiana Crane - Village Voice

A short, stressful, and utterly spellbinding debut that transforms the immigrant experience into the stuff of an early Polanski psychodrama, Ana Asensio's Most Beautiful Island is a worthy winner of the SXSW Grand Jury Prize for best narrative feature. --David Ehrlich - IndieWire

The second half is chilling and well directed, culminating in a high-wire act of a finale. --Leah Pickett - Chicago Reader

Publisher: Samuel Goldwyn Films

Published: 6 February 2018

Director: Ana Asensio

Cast: Ana Asensio, Natasha Romanova, Larry Fessenden, Nicholas Tucci
