Mr Funny Pants - Paperback

Little, Brown & Company
Mr Funny Pants - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Michael Showalter | ISBN-13: 9780446542111 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Little, Brown & Company | Publication Date: 2012-02-10 | Pages: 288 | Product Dimensions: 127 x 209.55 x 25.4mm | Weight: 226.796185g |

Michael Showalter's brainy, hysterical first book combines funny anecdotes, stories, jokes, humor pieces, observations, lists, graphic elements and personal memoir into a remarkably cohesive narrative. This book will be an adventurous journey into the deep (and not-so-deep) recesses of his creative mind. The end result is a new sort of comic memoir, with the ultimate goal to entertain and on a deeper level, to tell Showalter's story: his obsessions - creative and otherwise - his successes and his many failings. Reminiscent of works by David Sedaris, Nick Hornby and Dave Eggers, as well as the straightforward, just-for-laughs style of Woody Allen and The Onion, MR. FUNNY PANTS will bring insight to both the cult followers of his tv shows and those just discovering Showalter's odd charm.