Neoveon Plus For Large Dogs 20 to 40 Kg (PURPLE) 4 Pipettes

Neoveon Plus For Large Dogs 20 to 40 Kg (PURPLE) 4 Pipettes

Neoveon Plus is an affordable monthly spot-on for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations, control of brown dog ticks, paralysis ticks, and biting lice on dogs and puppies. Neoveon Plus breaks the flea lifecycle as it kills all life stages of fleas on the dog and its surroundings. Its rapid onset of action kills re-infestations of newly acquired adult fleas effectively. It prevents the development of flea eggs, larvae, and pupae produced by all adult fleas acquired for three months after treatment. Neoveon Plus also aids in the control of sarcoptic mange in dogs. Neoveon Plus is safe for puppies over 8 weeks of age. It is also safe for breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. How does it work? Neoveon Plus is a topical flea and lice treatment for dogs and puppies. It is formulated with two key ingredients: fipronil and S-methoprene. When you apply it to your dog/puppy, the fipronil starts working on parasites, causing them to die due to paralysis. The other ingredient, S-methoprene, is an insect growth regulator that stops parasites from developing. Thus, S-methoprene prevents re-infestations.