Nostradamus : Beyond the Prophecies DVD

Nostradamus : Beyond the Prophecies DVD

Nostradamus : Beyond the PropheciesRegion: 0Michel de Nostredame or Nostradamus as is he is more commonly known left an indelible mark on the world in his relatively brief life. His early academic career saw him develop a passion for science, leading to a career as a highly respected physician. Settling in France, Nostradamus began his career as a prophet in 1555, just 11 years prior to his death. He began writing a series of his notorious 'quatrains' (essentially a series of short poems), and it is these which have been poured over for centuries, as folk look for hints of forethought on cataclysmic world events. In 1566 he made his final prediction that he would pass away that night and he duly did so.