NRG Garlic & Apple Cider Vinegar Natural Fermented Horse Supplement 1L

NRG Garlic & Apple Cider Vinegar Natural Fermented Horse Supplement 1L

It is one of the most widely utilised herbs in the world. It has been embraced for centuries for its beneficial properties and its application for animals can even be traced back to Egyptian, Roman and Chinese cultures.
Combined with NRGs unpasteurised and unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, the resulting Garlic ACV mix is a rich source of Potassium and Sulphur which is essential for healthy skin and hair and contains high levels of Methylsulylmethane (MSM) commonly used to ease joint problems.
The NRG Team took time to successfully mix a Garlic dose of 10% to the Apple Cider Vinegar product following the advice of nutritional experts. When used at the correct daily dose, Garlic is perfectly safe with no known side effects.