Oil of Wild Oregano VCaps x60

Solutions 4 Health
Oil of Wild Oregano VCaps x60

Oil of Wild Oregano Vege Capsules.

Solutions 4 Health Oil of Wild Oregano is a potent tonic for general health and famous for its broad-spectrum antibacterial properties, Oil of Wild Oregano has been used for centuries to treat many ailments. Each capsule contains certified organic Wild Oil of Oregano in a natural base of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil to deliver the maximum benefits of this amazing oil.

  • Relief of Rheumatic pain,
  • Relief of respiratory conditions associated with symptoms of cold and flu,
  • Treatment of fungal infections,
  • Improving gastrointestinal health and aiding digestion
  • Helpful as an immune boost.
  • Treating toenail fungus

Oil of Wild Oregano is a potent source of Carvacrol which possesses anti-bacterial properties, traditionally used to treat skin and gastrointestinal infections. Additionally, it has also been used for menstrual conditions such as period pain.

  • Made in Australia
  • 80% Carvacrol
  • Certified Organic Wild Oregano Oil
  • Contains a mix of 1 part Wild Oregano Oil to 4 parts Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Small and compact size pack, easy to take anywhere!

Size: 60 Capsules (VegeCaps)

Ingredients: Certified organic extra virgin olive oil, certified organic oregano oil (Origanum vulgare) encapsulated in Vegicaps.

Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. While weight management products may be of assistance in your weight loss journey, a healthy energy-controlled diet and a sufficient and appropriate exercise program is also important to achieving your weight loss goal.