Organic Gardening Solutions Neem Cake - 1KG | NPK:4-2-2 | Nutritional Support

Organic Gardening Solutions (OGS)
Organic Gardening Solutions Neem Cake - 1KG | NPK:4-2-2 | Nutritional Support

What is Neem Cake? Neem Cake provides a fantastic source of NPK with values of 4-2-2 respectively and is commonly used in soil mixes and topdressings to provide adequate nutritional support to your plants.

On top of this neem has phenomenal Integrated Pest Management (IPM) properties, which occurs through its production of molecules such as Azadirachtin, Salannin and Nimbin, which act as an antifeedant for over 200 species of insects.

**How do I use Neem Cake?**Neem Cake is commonly top dressed, mixed into a soil mix or brewed in a tea. For maximum IPM properties, we recommend having Neem Cake both in your soil and as part of a topdressing.

In order to tackle a bug problem, we recommend using a 2cm layer of Neem Cake topdressing. We recommend the use of other agents such as predator mites/nematodes and Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) in combination for maximum synergy and results.

What's in the Box

  • [1] x Organic Gardening Solutions Neem Cake - 1KG