Organic Giloy Powder Packs Of 5 (100 Gms) By Root2leaf

Root2Leaf Organic
Organic Giloy Powder Packs Of 5 (100 Gms) By Root2leaf

This herbal powder supports the immune system and benefits the liver, kidneys, joints, and blood. Its versatility as an herb makes it a great addition to many Ayurvedic formulas and churnas.

Strengthening and rejuvenating, guduchi calms the mind, is soothing to joints and tissues, promotes a healthy nervous system, and supports healthy reproduction.Guduchi Powder also helps in supporting normal body temperature balancing.

DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS – Organic giloy powder can help provide efficient protection against seasonal illnesses by promoting healthy immune function and boosting your metabolism. Giloy powder can help purify your blood, liver, and kidneys.

USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC – We are proud to Say that our giloy/guduchi powder by organic 100% USDA Certified Organic.

THE MAGICAL HERB- Its heating quality helps break up stagnation and natural toxins in the body, promoting healthy elimination, digestion, and a clear, radiant complexion. The stems of the guduchi plant, also known as “giloy,” “amrita,”