Organisational Behaviour : Core Concepts and Applications 5th Edition

Jack Maxwell Wood
Organisational Behaviour  : Core Concepts and Applications 5th Edition

Organisational Behaviour : Core Concepts and Applications 5th Edition
ISBN: 9780730363422
Publication Date: 14 September 2018

This book is being used at: Queensland University of Technology, University of Adelaide, University of Southern Queensland, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, La Trobe University, Australian Catholic University, Flinders University, Charles Sturt University, Auckland University of Technology

This fifth Australian edition of Wood's Organisational Behaviour: Core Concepts and Applications presents Organisational Behaviour in an interactive digital format and is an ideal text for students interested in management or human resources. The information is offered in a clear and visual manner without overwhelming you, and focuses on real and relevant issues, such as: the changing nature of work, diversity in the workplace and globalisation.

Available as a full colour printed textbook with an interactive eBook code, this title enables every student to master concepts and succeed in assessment by taking the roadblocks out of self-study, with features that are designed to get the most out of what you're learning.

This edition includes enhanced and updated coverage that's complemented by features like: videos to help you connect concepts with real-world cases, animations and interactivities embedded throughout the text to bring the theoretical to life, Concept Check questions that are placed at the end of every chapter to test your comprehension and allow you to get instant feedback on where you strengths and weaknesses lie, and the opportunity to work between the online (interactive e-text) and offline (print) to cater to how you study best, with the ability to search, highlight and annotate within the digital text.

Book Features:

  • Current affairs videos provide you with insights into various aspects of organisational behavi...