Pak Choi - Da Cheong Chae F1 seeds

Happy Valley Seeds
Pak Choi - Da Cheong Chae F1 seeds

Pak Choi - Da Cheong Chae F1 - 100 seeds

Brassica rapa chinensis

This unique vegetable is an exciting combination of Tatsoi and Pak Choi, featuring dark green leaves that are round and growing upright. Its versatility makes it perfect for both salads or cooking dishes - pick individual leaves or harvest the entire plant! In mild climates, this variety can be grown all year long; to do so, sow seeds after your last frost date beginning in spring through early summer as well as late summer/early autumn. Make sure you maintain moist soil conditions while fertilizing regularly, too - your efforts will surely pay off with a delicious bounty! Pak Choi Da Cheong Chae can also be used as a versatile ingredient: try steaming, stir-frying and braising it; toss it into soups and salads; even use it as an excellent juicing vegetable!

If you're looking for optimum growth conditions for your fall crops, keep them at temperatures in the mid-15soC. However, this should be avoided if there is any chance of frost or prolonged exposure to temps under 10oC since that could lead to bolting. To prevent premature bolting, opt to mulch your plants instead!

Sow in early spring, late summer, and autumn at 5mm deep. Space apart 30cm. Emerge in 7-10 days at 10-24oC. Harvest in 40 days.

*Important Note

These seeds are treated with a fungicide (Thiram), DO NOT eat the seeds or feed them to animals. Keep them away from children & animals. Wear gloves and thoroughly wash your skin with water & soap after touching the seeds. Treated seeds do not affect your crops or harm insects such as bees. These treated seeds are strictly for propagation or growing in the garden only. THE RESULTANT CROP IS EDIBLE.

Fungicide seed treatment may be an AQIS (Biosecurity, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Government of Australia) requirement for certain seed varieties. Treated seeds may be dyed a distinct colour. Read the label on the seed packet before usage.