Pet Drs Derma Cream Calm & Soothe Irritated Skin Care for Dogs 150g

Pet Drs
Pet Drs Derma Cream Calm & Soothe Irritated Skin Care for Dogs 150g

Many dogs suffer from itchy skin.

In fact, itchy skin is one of the most common reasons that dogs are taken to the vet. Persistent itching can often result in more serious skin problems such as secondary skin infections.

Pet Drs uses natural ingredients such as Manuka Honey to control the bacteria, Calendula and Gotu Kola to reduce the inflammation, and Avocado, Jojoba Oil, and Shea Butter to hydrate the skin for up to 6 hours.

Always read the label and seek directions or advice from your animal health professional.


Theres a whole range of factors that can irritate your pet's skin from food intolerances, environmental allergies, or more serious skin issues such as atopic dermatitis. The persistent itching, scratching and biting can have a real effect on your pets mood, well-being and overall health.

Derma Cream is formulated with powerful natural ingredients like Manuka Honey, Calendula and Gotu Kola which contain amazing antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. All of which can help to reduce the symptoms of dry, red, itchy skin.

Derma Cream can help provide relief for; minor irritations, atopic dermatitis, itchy paws and dry flaky skin
Suitable for dogs and cats


Apply liberally on the affected area. Depending on the severity of your pet's condition, we recommend applying it once in the morning, then again at night just before bed
For more severe cases, Derma Cream can also be applied throughout the day
Best used in conjunction with our Gut Repair Pack - which contains probiotics and essential fatty acids to help repair the gut and build up immune strength