Pet Odour Exterminator Candle, Cinnamon Apple, 380ml

Pet Odor Exterminator
Pet Odour Exterminator Candle, Cinnamon Apple, 380ml

Pet Odour Exterminator 380ml Jar Candles are great for removing odours from smoke, pipe, cigars, all types of tobacco products, cooking, mildew, musty smells and all odours related to our furry and feathered friends. This enzyme formulated candle does what other store bought candles do not, they actually break down and dissolve the components that make up bad odours. This product is not a cover-up! The fragrance from this candle lasts for hours even when it's not burning and the enzymes continue to eat away at odours. Each 380ml jar candle burns at least 70 hours and all of these products come with

Brand: Pet Odor Exterminator

Other Information: Cinnamon Apple

Dimensions: 15.2 x 10.9 x 9.4 centimeters (0.63 kg)