Philodendron 'Hope' House Plant Kit | Seed Gift Box

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Philodendron 'Hope' House Plant Kit | Seed Gift Box

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Philodendron 'Hope' House Plant Kit - Seed Gift Box

Includes everything you need to grow your own
Philodendron House Plants!

Philodendron Selloum is an exceptionally beautiful foliage plant, which is usually grown for its impressive leaves. When mature, the plant forms a sturdy trunk, making this species one of the true giants of the Philodendron family. These plants are commonly referred to as hope Philodendron and are commonly kept as houseplants worldwide.

- 5 x Philodendron 'Hope' House Plant Seeds

- 5 x Coir Peat Pelletts

- 1x Plant Fertiliser

+ Growing Instructions

+ Beautifully presented gift box

Perfect for experienced and beginner gardeners.

You can access the growing instructions for this kit here