Pigeon Softouch Peristaltic Plus Teat Small 2 Pack

Pigeon Softouch Peristaltic Plus Teat Small 2 Pack


PIGEON Peristaltic PLUS Nipple was designed based on advanced nursing research and study to provide the best for mothers and babies that took into consideration not only the Peristaltic Movement but also the Attachment and Swallowing aspect.

  • A Textured Surface for a More Effective Attachment
  • A Wider Nipple Based for Improved Suction
  • A Fossa-fitting Nipple Radius
  • Thick but Soft Silicone
  • Nipple Sizes to Match Babys Development

To prevent newborns from swallowing too much milk, the SS size nipple has been introduced as our smallest nipple hole. Our M and L nipples use cross cuts instead of round holes to make it harder for large amount of liquid to pass through the nipple tip at once.