POTPOURRI by Laura Heine Fat Quarter Bundle Fabric 25 pcs

Windham Fabrics
POTPOURRI by Laura Heine Fat Quarter Bundle Fabric 25 pcs
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POTPOURRI by Laura Heine Fat Quarter Bundle 25 prints

Potpourri uses my signature palette which I call bright pastel. The collection includes a mixture of soft floral motifs and low volume backgrounds. I love to use scripts when I collage. The script fabrics in this collection are great to mix and match or can be used as blenders! Make what you love with this collection. It is perfect for the classic quilter as well as the collage quilter. Potpourri is a fun collection of designs for your imagination! - Laura

One fat quarter of fabric is 18" x 22".

Fat Quarters are great stash builders and can give you inspiration on future sewing or quilting projects. We love these Potpourri fat quarters to make gifts such as: an easy wallet, pin cushions, placemats, a sunglasses case or pencil case just to name a few! After you see what this beautiful range has to offer you will fall in love with the Potpourri Fat Quarter ranges and the fantastic projects you can make with them.

Finally, the added bonus of buying fat quarters is they sometimes contain patterns you would not usually use. However, when used in conjunction with the other patterns you can be pleasantly surprised by how well they work together. This can open your eyes to new and exciting patterns and colours and broaden your use of different materials into your sewing and quilting projects.

Benefits of buying Fat Quarters:

- Coordinating colours throughout materials

- Convenient size of materials, easy to handle

- Fat Quarters save you time and money by providing a range of materials that work together. This saves you from accidently buying materials that do not work and searching for the right colour patterns.