Fish Food Pellets Goldfish Koi Tropical Floating Pond Aquarium Fish Pellet 16Kg

Aqua One
Fish Food Pellets Goldfish Koi Tropical Floating Pond Aquarium Fish Pellet 16Kg
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Fish Food Goldfish, Koi & Tropical Pellets 1mm 16Kg

When you have Goldfish or Koi, you need to have food that keeps them healthy which is not mostly fillers. The Aqua One Goldfish Food has been designed with health and growth in mind, but still, keeps it within budget for the ever-hungry Goldfish and Koi.

Aqua One Premium Goldfish, Koi, and Topical Fish Food is a floating pellet suitable for most types of fish and formulated specifically for all types of Goldfish & Koi.

Aqua One Premium Goldfish, Koi and Tropical fish food replicate the kinds of things your fish would eat in their natural environment as closely as possible. It also contains a natural colour enhancer and probiotics to aid digestion, absorption of nutrients, which is necessary for their health, and stress resistance.

Developed by breeders as a high-quality and cost-effective aquarium food, Premium Goldfish, Koi, and Tropical food is a great choice for display tanks, backyard ponds, and breeders wanting high quality without the expensive costs.