Racing Weight Quick Start Guide : A 4-Week Weight-Loss Plan for Endurance Athletes

Matt Fitzgerald
Racing Weight Quick Start Guide : A 4-Week Weight-Loss Plan for Endurance Athletes
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Racing Weight Quick Start Guide : A 4-Week Weight-Loss Plan for Endurance Athletes
ISBN: 9781934030721
Publication Date: 1 January 2011

If you're like most endurance athletes, you're concerned about your weight. You Know that every extra pound slows you down.

Now the author of Racing Weight can help you get a jump on next season. Mall Fitzgeralds's Racing Weight Quick Start Guide applies all the principles of his best-selling book Racing Weight in a detailed set of weight-loss training plans. You will devote 4 to 8 weeks to starting a weight loss of 5, 10, or 20+pounds.

Lose weight quickly by following a schedule of high-intensity workouts and strength training as well as a menu of calorie-restricted, high-protein meals and snacks. Low-volume and high-volume plans make it possible for cyclists, runners, and triathletes with a wide range of experience to maintain their training levels. Replace fat with muscle while keeping your appetite in check.

Once you've hit your quick start weight-loss goals, you will continue dropping unwanted pounds using the proven strategies of the Racing Weight program, Zero in on your racing weight through improved diet quality, balanced macronutrient levels, proper timing of meals and snacks, appetite management, and training for lean body composition.

The Racing Weight Quck Start Guide will acceierate your season goals so you'll be racing leaner and faster than ever before.