Resources for Teaching English: 14-16 - Paperback

Continuum Publishing Corporation
Resources for Teaching English: 14-16 - Paperback

Product detail - Author: David A. Hill | ISBN-13: 9780826421005 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Continuum Publishing Corporation | Publication Date: 2010-05-20 | Pages: 192 | Product Dimensions: 210 x 299 x 14mm | Weight: 592g |

This flexible resource contains lesson plans and worksheets to inspire pupils of poetry and literature. It is a choice alternative to past exam paper practice. This book contains everything an English teacher could need to engage and captivate their pupils in contemporary poetry and prose. The step-by-step lesson plans are easy to adapt to suit individual teachers' needs, and include suggestions for utilising ICT and homework ideas. The reflective style of the photocopiable worksheets encourages pupils to draw on their own experiences when analysing the issues raised. The contents are themed to reflect the current curriculum, and to be entertaining for the teacher and students alike. Extracts include "In Mrs Tilscher's Class" by Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy and "To Sir, With Love" by E.R.Braithwaite. English teachers and pupils aged 14-16 will relish this set of inclusive and accessible lesson plans and worksheets, although advanced younger pupils or adult learners, especially those on EFL courses, will also find them absorbing. All materials are also available for download from the Continuum website. It's hard enough for teachers to fit all their marking, extra-curricular duties and training into their lives, let alone finding time to think up exciting new ways of delivering their subject to a mixed-ability class. This new series offers complete, curriculum-friendly lesson plans for busy secondary school teachers of various disciplines. Each title includes an assortment of approximately 70 lesson plans designed to motivate and inspire students. Each plan consists of a teacher's sheet, providing: the aims and objectives of the lesson; the materials required; a lesson starter, main lesson plan and plenary, each with suggested timeframes to help teachers keep inside the parameters of the lesson; homework ideas, and guidance on how to adapt the activities to make them harder or easier for gifted and talented, or less able pupils. Each plan also includes a photocopiable, or downloadable student worksheet which corresponds to the teacher's lesson plan.