Rooibos Red Tea - 25 Tea Bags (50 gms)

the tea accent
Rooibos Red Tea - 25 Tea Bags (50 gms)

Rooibos tea is a herb which grows only in South Africa along the Cadeberg Mountains. The leaves of rooibos are harvested once a year and oxidised naturally under the sun which gives it a red colour and makes it the perfect herbal tea. The flavour of rooibos is smooth, sweet and mild with hints of nut, vanilla, caramel and fruit. Rooibos is enjoyed as a hot or cold beverage without milk, with or without sweeteners. Many South Africans enjoy Rooibos as a hot beverage with milk, sweetened with sugar or honey.

Ingredients: Rooibos Leaf Needles

Brewing Instructions: Always use fresh water. Bring water to near boiling point (99 degree Celsius). Take 1 teaspoon / 1 teabag in a cup. Pour the heated water and steep the tea for 3-4 mins. Adjust the time of brewing as per desired strength.

Tea flavour enhances as it cools. Our teas can be re-brewed, just steep it longer for the second time.

Know more about the herbs in this 100% caffeine free herbal tisane:

Rooibos (pronounced "roy-boss") tea is a type of herbal tea that is made from the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis plant, which is native to South Africa. The leaves are fermented, oxidized and then dried to produce a reddish-brown tea with a unique, slightly sweet and nutty flavor. Unlike traditional teas, which are made from the Camellia sinensis plant, Rooibos tea is caffeine-free. Rooibos tea is high in antioxidants, particularly aspalathin and nothofagin, which help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidants in rooibos tea helps to protect the skin from sun damage and improve overall skin health. Rooibos tea contains antioxidants that helps to reduce inflammation in the body. Rooibos tea contains flavonoids which helps to improve bone health.