SAA Graphite Brush Dagger 1/4"

SAA Graphite Brush Dagger 1/4"

These synthetic short-haired brushes offer great control and paint coverage, whatever your chosen medium. Born for use with liquid graphite, they also perform wonderfully with graphite powder, water-soluble pencils, watercolours and even acrylic. Dagger - An extremely adaptable brush - Use to create long flowing lines - Apply pressure when ‘twisting' through the stroke to create grasses and petals - Creates a sharp edge fine lines when used on the edge Other brushes in the range include: Round 0 - Superfine detail with micro point - Used to create the tiniest of marks and strokes - Ideal for individual hair whisker and exceptionally fine detail Round 4 - Detail brush capable of holding its point - Offers exceptional control with its short hairs - The real all-rounder when working in fine detail Oval Wash - Creates regulated colour flow for washes - Produces a soft edge with no point - Useful for laying areas of water or colour