Spinach - Baby Leaf F1 seeds

Happy Valley Seeds
Spinach - Baby Leaf F1 seeds

Spinach Baby Leaf F1 seedsSpinacia oleracea
Pack: 100 seeds, 10g, 25g

For Baby Leaf & Microgreens

This variety of Spinach can be harvested as Baby Leaf Salad Greens at 8-15cm in 3-4 weeks or as Micro-Greens at 3-8cm from 10-25 days. This is a commercial hybrid slow bolting variety and as such, you can harvest baby leaves over a long period. If you let it grow, it can become a fully matured spinach plant.

Best Grown in potting mix or soil mix in trays, boxes or in the garden. When planting cover with about 3cm of the friable mix. Ensure good light and moisture levels. Spinach is a cool hardy plant and prefers cooler climates. Best temperatures 16oC to 28oC.

Harvest with scissors, cut the whole plant or leaves only leaving stems as many will re-shoot from stem nodes. Baby Leaf and Micro Greens may well prove to be an easier and more nutritious way to add wholesome vitamins and minerals to your diet.

A good source of pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, gluten and dietary fibre.