SpiritualiTEA Sacral Chakra (Honeybush, Mango Pieces and Orange Segments)

SpiritualiTEA Sacral Chakra (Honeybush, Mango Pieces and Orange Segments)

The Sacral Chakra blend is a sweet mix of the South African plant honeybush along with mango chips and orange segments. Honeybush contains many minerals, is low in tannins and contains no caffeine. The longer you brew this blend the more the honey flavour is drawn out, allowing you to enjoy the sweetness in life.

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced

  • Passion for life; joyful
  • Solid relationship connections
  • Desires are balanced; healthy sexual expression
  • Thoughts, emotions and creativity flow harmoniously
  • Cope well with change. Ability to go with the flow of life, release the old and welcome the new


SpiritualiTEA Sacral Chakra tisane contains Honeybush, a plant which has a natural sweetness that becomes stronger with brewing time. The honeybush flowers smell of honey, which gives this plant its name. It has a mild sweetness, is low in tannins and is caffeine free.

Because honeybush doesnt come from the tea plant Camellia sinensis, you can let it steep for a lot longer than you would usually steep a traditional tea. Due to its origins and makeup the honeybush brews generally dont have the bitterness that comes when you steep tea for too long.

Brewing honeybush between 5-10 minutes although it can be brewed for up to 20 minutes. Try the time variations to see what you enjoy most and dont forget you can have this tisane iced as with all SpiritualiTEA blends. Makes 30 cups.


Honeybush, Mango Pieces and Orange Segments (100% Certified Organic Ingredients)