SpiritualiTEA Throat Chakra (Red clover, Peppermint Leaf, Sage, Cinnamon Chips)

SpiritualiTEA Throat Chakra (Red clover, Peppermint Leaf, Sage, Cinnamon Chips)

The Throat Chakra blend contains herbs to cleanse and clear this chakra. The cleansing herbs of sage and red clover blend together with peppermint leaf which brings a cooling sensation allowing the communication channels to open up with warmth from a hint of cinnamon chips.

When the Throat Chakra is balanced
  • Accept your uniqueness
  • Articulate your ideas confidently
  • Speak your truth and express who you really are


The brewing time for herbal tisanes varies, mostly upon taste. As a general rule, let your herbal tisane steep for 5 minutes, but be sure to try a variety of times to find the time that suits you best. For sweet tooths, you can add honey or even lemon to your herbal tisane. Herbal tisanes can be consumed hot, at room temperature and iced. Makes 40 cups.


Red clover, Peppermint Leaf, Sage and Cinnamon Chips (100% Certified Organic Ingredients)