Stainless Steel Pizza Oven Log Holder | Heat Deflector & Flame Shield

Flaming Coals
Stainless Steel Pizza Oven Log Holder | Heat Deflector & Flame Shield

Stainless Steel Log Holder | Heat Deflector****Model: FC-LOGHOLDER

Our Stainless Steel Log Holder | Heat Deflector and flame shield is a convenient accessory with multiple uses. You can use it to assist you in holding your firewood in place during storage, use is to hold your fire to the side of your pizza oven while cooking or use it as a heat deflector for smoking.

Using a log holder in your wood fired pizza oven allows you to hold the burning logs in the rear or the side of the pizza oven, this in turn improves the heat produced from the fire, prevents ash and coals spreading all over your cooking surface and onto your pizzas as well as deflects some direct heat making it that little bit easier to manage cooking your pizzas.

Another excellent use for the flaming coals log holder is to use is as a heat deflector for smoking. You can place it in your kettle smoker or charcoal bbq and use it to deflect the direct heat reaching your meat allowing you to achieve that low and slow cooking environment you require for smoking.


  • 350mm Long x 150mm Deep x 150mm High
  • 304 Grade Stainless Steel