Stories from One Thousand and One Nights - Paperback

Taylor & Francis Ltd
Stories from One Thousand and One Nights - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Ghada Bualuan | ISBN-13: 9781138948228 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd | Publication Date: 2018-10-02 | Pages: 222 | Product Dimensions: 183 x 244 x 15mm | Weight: 420g |

Specially designed for students of Arabic, this textbook presents a selection of authentic Arabian Night stories in simplified language providing learners of Modern Standard Arabic access to this classic of Arabic literature. Each story is fully supported by a range of comprehension, vocabulary-building, grammar reinforcement activities and exercises as well as an audio version of the story, which can be accessed at Ideal for class-use or self-study, students will enhance their reading, listening, and writing skills while developing the ability to analyze literary texts, reason critically, and broaden their understanding and appreciation of different layers of Arab culture.