Stubbyz Brown Navajo Rug Coaster - Square, 1 piece

Stubbyz Brown Navajo Rug Coaster - Square, 1 piece

G'day mate! Check out the beaut Stubbyz Brown Navajo Rug Coaster, a dinky-di Aussie essential for your arvo bevvies! This corker of a coaster comes in your choice of round or square shapes, and let me tell ya, it's bloody good-looking.

With a top-notch glossy finish, this here coaster will make your mates green with envy. It's got a classic corkwood underside, which provides top-notch grip to keep your coldies stable as can be. No more pesky spills, cobber!

Measuring a fair dinkum 9.5cm x 9.5cm, this sturdy little bugger is just the right size to hold any stubby or schooner. You won't have to worry about sippin' on a warm brew, 'cause this coaster will keep it icy cold.

Whether you're after a single beauty or a whole 4-pack to share with your mates, we've got ya covered. When it comes to keeping your surfaces protected and your drinks lookin' grouse, the Stubbyz Brown Navajo Rug Coaster is the dinky-di choice for any true blue Aussie. So chuck one on your barbie and enjoy a cold one, mate!