Stubbyz Llamas & Cactus Coaster - Square, 4-piece set

Stubbyz Llamas & Cactus Coaster - Square, 4-piece set

Introducing the Stubbyz Llamas & Cactus Coaster, mate! This bloody ripper drink coaster comes in two fair dinkum shapes, round and square. Each coaster is built with a corkwood underside, giving ya a fair shake and preventing any slippin' and slidin'. And don't ya worry, the top ain't no slouch either! It's got a glossy finish that'll make your mates be like, "Wow, mate, that's one good-lookin' coaster!"

You can grab this beauty in either a single or a bonzer 4-pack. What's the size, you ask? Good onya for askin'! These beauties measure up at a fair dinkum 9.5cm x 9.5cm. Perfect size to keep your stubby steady and top it off with a frosty cold one.

So next time you're havin' a bevvie with your mates, make sure you've got the Stubbyz Llamas & Cactus Coaster under your stubby. It's fair dinkum, Aussie-made quality with a touch of style. Grab yours now and make your mates jealous of your top-notch coaster game! Cheers, mate!