Stubbyz Scottish Terrier Coaster - Square, 1 piece

Stubbyz Scottish Terrier Coaster - Square, 1 piece

Introducing the mighty Stubbyz Scottish Terrier Coaster, mate! This true-blue Aussie drink accessory comes in two ripper shapes: round and square, so you can choose the fair dinkum style that suits ya best. Each of these beaut coasters sports a corkwood underside, perfectly designed to keep your drink from leaving any unsightly rings on your barbie or coffee table. And, let's not forget about its topside mate - a glossy finish that brings out the sheer elegance of this lil' beauty.

You can snag yourself one of these bonza Stubbyz Scottish Terrier Coasters solo or go for the whole shebang and get yourself a 4-pack. No worries, these coasters are just the right size, 9.5cm (or 10 thumbs, if you're an Aussie measuring in thumbs) by 9.5cm, to comfortably hold your bevvy of choice. So, whether you're sipping on a cold tinnie, savouring a nice cuppa, or chugging a schooner, these Stubbyz coasters will do the job in style.

Don't miss out on these little beauties, cobber! They'll make any brewski session or chinwag with mates a true delight. So grab yourself a Stubbyz Scottish Terrier Coaster today, and give your drinks the Aussie touch they deserve! Cheers, mate!