Sweet Mint Splash (Mint Fennel Blush) - Digestive Herbal Blend | Pyramid Pack (20pcs)

Tea Journeys
Sweet Mint Splash (Mint Fennel Blush) - Digestive Herbal Blend | Pyramid Pack (20pcs)

A marriage of two fresh herbs, peppermint, and fennel to create an all-natural herbal infusion helpful with aiding digestion and a helpful tonic for those with stressful working lives.

This product contains 20 individually wrapped pyramids.


This is our take on the perfect herbal infusion to follow any meal. In India, it is custom to offer anise when leaving for the door after enjoying a meal. The positive effect of fennel in our food is a helpful digestive aid in absorbing all the nutrients we take on most effectively. This fragrant fennel kick coupled with the fresh taste of peppermint is also a wonderful tonic to soothe a stressful workload.

Also available in loose-leaf for cafes, and loose-leaf and pyramid tins for home.

Check other variants from here.

Ingredients Peppermint & Fennel

Best Brew Origin Tasting notes