Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon Dry Dog Food 5.6kg

Taste of the Wild
Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon Dry Dog Food 5.6kg
Key Benefits Unique Protein Blend – A hearty blend of beef, lamb protein, eggs and wild boar provides complete protein nutrition with a rich, meaty flavour. Species-Specific Probiotics – Healthy digestive and immune systems are vital to the overall health of your pet. Our proprietary K9 Strain Probiotics are developed specifically for dogs and added after the cooking process to ensure viability. Each pound of Taste of the Wild provides 80 million live, active cultures that help support healthy digestive and immune systems. DHA – This omega-3 fatty acid, provided by salmon oil, helps support brain and vision development in puppies, which makes it an important addition to this all life stages formula. Garbanzo Beans – Rich in protein, minerals and fibre, garbanzo beans add a host of nutrients to this grain-free formula. Dried Chicory Root – This source of prebiotic fibre provides fuel for the beneficial probiotic bacteria in the digestive system. Antioxidants – Legumes and fruits, including peas, tomatoes, blu