Tetragonolobus Purpureus ' Asparagus Pea - Bright Red Flowers' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Tetragonolobus Purpureus ' Asparagus Pea - Bright Red Flowers' Seeds

Tetragonolobus Purpureus 'Bright Red Flowers' - 5x Seeds

The asparagus pea is one of the prettiest vegetables on the planet.

Known more commonly as asparagus-pea or winged pea, is an annual legume herb native to the countries around the Mediterranean, although introduced elsewhere. It is low growing, and produces a profusion of prominent deep red flowers, followed by seed pods that are winged.

Why does the word "asparagus" appear in the common name? It may be because of the seedpods' delicate asparagus like flavor. Or perhaps it's because asparagus peas are best treated like asparagus spears-boiled or steamed briefly, drained swiftly, covered in butter and consumed quickly!

Seed Starting Method

Direct sow or start in pots

Sowing Depth

The seed will lodge in the pores of your seed starting mix once misted with water.

Growing Season

Spring, Summer & Autumn
Place pots in a warm sunny position and keep moist to avoid drying out.

Germination Time 14-28 days at around 18-22oC.
Hardiness Hardy
Plant Spacing N/A
Plant Height
Planting Position Partial or full sun
Days Until Maturity N/A
Growing tips

Soak your seeds in water overnight.

Sow seed on the surface and cover lightly to the depth of your seed. Do not bury deeply.

Water with fine mist spray to avoid disturbance of the seed.

Ensure the mix is moist but not water logged.

Do not be too hasty to discard seeds that have not yet germinated, seeds will often lay dormant (in hibernation almost) until the conditions are similar to their natural requirements for germination and sprouting to occur. Containers placed to one side & forgotten about will often surprise long after they were discarded.