Thank You, Bees

Toni Yuly
Thank You, Bees
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Thank You, Bees
ISBN: 9780763692612
Publication Date: 1 September 2017

This gentle message of gratitude and connection, enhanced by beautifully simple collage illustrations, makes for a charming gift.

Sun gives us light.
Thank you, sun.

Clouds bring the rain that makes puddles to splash in. Sheep give us wool for our sweaters and hats. The honey that sweetens our bread comes from bees (thank you, bees). With spare, repetitive text and bright, torn-paper collage artwork, this picture book gives even the youngest readers a subtle sense of how everyday things are related — and inspires an appreciation for life’s simple gifts.

About the Author

Toni Yuly is the author-illustrator of the picture books Early Bird, Night Owl, and Cat Nap. After many years as a librarian, she now dedicates herself to designing, painting, and writing all day. Toni Yuly lives in Bremerton, Washington.