The Best of Guerrilla Marketing--Guerrilla Marketing Remix

Jay Conrad Levinson
The Best of Guerrilla Marketing--Guerrilla Marketing Remix
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The Best of Guerrilla Marketing--Guerrilla Marketing Remix
ISBN: 9781599184227
Publication Date: 9 September 2011

Guerrilla Marketing’s Greatest Hits—Updated, Adapted, Remastered…

The only book to deliver The Best of Guerrilla Marketing—a combination of the latest secrets, strategies, tactics, and tools from more than 35 top-selling Guerrilla Marketing books—updated for a new generation.

”When they write the history of marketing thought, Jay doesn't get a page... he gets his own chapter.”
—Seth Godin, author of

Poke the Box

“This book is the culmination of Guerrilla Marketing’s huge footprint on the marketing landscape. Keep it on top of your desk-it will become your marketing bible.”
—Jill Lublin, international speaker and author,

”For business survival in the 21st century, Guerrilla Marketing ranks right up there with food, water, shelter—and, of course, Internet access.“
—David Garfinkel, author of

Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich

“21 million entrepreneurs around the world, including me and most of my clients & friends, owe a debt of gratitude to Jay Conrad Levinson for his inspiring Guerrilla Marketing advice and mentoring.“
—Roger C. Parker,

“Guerrilla Marketing has always been about helping the ‘little guy’ market effectively and succeed against big-budget competitors. And now, in the new hyper-connected and hyper-competitive digital age, Guerrilla Marketing is again proving to be an essential key ingredient to help achieve business success. “
—Stuart Burkow, advisor on making money in business and advocate for free enterprise,

“Jay Levinson wisely guided my p...