The Crooked Rim

Morgan James Publishing llc
The Crooked Rim

The latest inspirational and practical book from NCAA Final Four and leading Master Executive Coach Pam Borton, the best-selling author of ON POINT

Shows how to master the mind, body, and heart-spirit core principles readers need to achieve their goals and vision for life and in the workplace

Teaches the lessons of mental fortitude and toughness from Coach Borton’s transformation from an Ohio farm girl to the NCAA hardwoods to Fortune 500 boardrooms

For the emerging or established leader who wants to reach the next level of their career

Shows that resilience is key to a mindset of mental toughness and essential for transforming one’s professional and personal lives

Teaches how to apply the framework of elite athletes and develop the same mindset to succeed in the corporate world and build resilient teams

Shows how to master one’s mindset and overcome the challenges of this “un”-time…unprecedented, unchartered, unbelievable, unimaginable, uncertain