The Doll's Alphabet

Fitzcarraldo Editions
The Doll's Alphabet
Dolls, sewing machines, tinned foods, mirrors, malfunctioning bodies - many images recur in stories that are in turn child-like and naive, grotesque and very dark. In 'Unstitching', a feminist revolution takes place. In 'Waxy', a factory worker fights to keep hold of her Man in a society where it is frowned upon to be Manless. In 'Agata's Machine', two schoolgirls conjure a Pierrot and an angel in a dank attic room. In 'Notes from a Spider', a half-man, half-spider finds love in a great European city.

By constantly reinventing ways to engage with her obsessions and motifs, Camilla Grudova has come up with a method for storytelling that is highly imaginative, incredibly original, and absolutely discomfiting.

'Marvellous. Grudova understands that the best writing has to pull off the hardest aesthetic trick - it has to be both memorable and fleeting.' - Deborah Levy, author of Hot Milk