The Fictional Ode: O.J. Simpson Saga Recapped

The Fictional Ode: O.J. Simpson Saga Recapped

Like coffee, I was perking I had something that I wanted to say that I had not said in my first book, 'An Ode to Satire'. I wanted to say more about the Simpson's saga. Many had indicated - and with good reason - that the Simpson's trial was a very good sampling of the world that we lived in... thinking that it was a matrix of race and color, money and influence, sports, etc.; but I also knew that every life's matrix' in America, was not a monolithic one... that it was more of a compilation of many American factions, and a mixture of Americas human complications - religion, faith, race, and past history. Those who had indicated that the Simpson Trial was simply a sampling of the world we live in, had some premise of value - but it goes deeper than the surface. That 'case in evidence' had sparked an ongoing nature of our society at large - especially at that time in the late 1990's, just as it has now; and not to forget that most all are immigrants in this country, from almost every nation in the world - not meant to be an indictment however; but...

Format: Paperback / softback, 246 pages

Age Range: 15+

Other Information: black & white illustrations

Dimensions: 20.3 x 12.7 x 1.3 centimeters (0.24 kg)

Writer: Hanley, Clarence G.