The Flash Book : The Flash Book

Scott Kelby
The Flash Book : The Flash Book

The Flash Book : The Flash Book
ISBN: 9781681982748
Publication Date: 12 January 2018

Standing in front of a room packed with 360 photographers at his seminar, Scott Kelby asked for a show of hands: "How many of you own some kind of an off-camera flash? A Nikon, Canon, Yongnuo, etc.?" About 340 hands went up. "Okay, I have one more question, but before you raise your hand, I want you to really think about your answer. Let's see a show of hands-how many of you love using your off-camera flash?" Out of those 360 people, just four people raised their hands. He was stunned.

Sadly, the results were similar in city after city, even in different countries. It's like we all bought a flash during the "hot shoe flash revolution" of 2008-2011, but we're not getting the results we got them for in the first place. Not even close. We don't "love" our flashes, and worse yet, in many cases, we've even stopped using them altogether. But it doesn't have to be that way. You just need somebody to help you unlock the real secrets to getting beautiful, consistent, and easily repeatable results.

That's why The Flash Book book was created-to help you finally fall in love with your flash-and the best news is, it's way easier than you'd think. In fact, you'll be surprised at how simple it really can be because you're not going to learn a bunch of geeky flash stuff, and you're not going to have to do math, and you're not going to need a light meter (it's not that kind of book). Instead, you're going to learn an amazingly simple system-one that Scott has been using for years-and the best thing about this system is that it's so darn easy (it's probably very different from what you might have seen "on the Internet," but this system works, and once you try it, you'll become a believer).

Here's how the book works: Each idea or technique is just one page, and it starts from scratch, taking you through the flash sett...