The Genres of Renaissance Tragedy - Hardback

Manchester University Press
The Genres of Renaissance Tragedy - Hardback

Product detail - Author: Daniel Cadman | ISBN-13: 9781784992798 | Format: Hardback Publisher: Manchester University Press | Publication Date: 2019-02-25 | Pages: 232 | Product Dimensions: 168 x 237 x 15mm | Weight: 486g |

This collection of newly commissioned essays explores the extraordinary versatility of Renaissance tragedy and shows how it enables exploration of issues ranging from gender to race to religious conflict, as well as providing us with some of the earliest dramatic representations of the lives of ordinary Englishmen and women. The book mixes perspectives from emerging scholars with those of established ones and offers the first systematic examination of the full range and versatility of Renaissance tragedy as a literary genre. It works by case study, so that each chapter offers not only a definition of a particular kind of Renaissance tragedy but also new research into a particularly noteworthy or influential example of that genre. Collectively the essays examine the work of a range of dramatists and offer a critical overview of Renaissance tragedy as a genre. -- .