The Hafle, Hoefle or H Fle Family from Schwieberdingen, Germany
The Hafle, Hoefle or H Fle Family from Schwieberdingen, Germany

The Höfle family story begins 1540 in Sersheim, Germany and continues through 14 generations and 5 separate immigrations from Schwieberdingen to America. The first and second groups of immigrants became the Hafle family in Ohio and the Hoefle family in New York respectively. These 2 families were reconnected after 150 years by this research. The 140 Figures include photos of the Höfle family house, their church in Schwieberdingen, family photos, genealogical charts and biographical letters describing family life. The genealogy of the Hafle branch of the family is covered extensively and includes family photos and data about the pioneer families of Rinkenberger, Miley and Fausz. River-man William Höfle (William Hafle), his wife Margaret Fausz and their 15 children are central figures in the Hafle story.


Published: United Kingdom, 1 July 2012

Format: Paperback / softback, 190 pages

Age Range: 0+

Dimensions: 27.9 x 21 x 1 centimeters (0.44 kg)

Writer: Hafle, Ralph